NCSEA’s Policy Forum is the annual event dedicated to policies and issues influencing the child support program at the national, state, and local levels.
As we began planning this year’s event, we thought a lot about all that has been accomplished this year on behalf of children and families, programs, as well progress that has been made advancing and promoting best practices in the IV-D program.What was particularly notable was how NCSEA’s collaborative efforts – inclusive of various perspectives and priorities - clearly supported NCSEA’s Vision. And, that the inclusion of so many voices made the Association’s positions that much stronger.
NCSEA ENVISIONS a world where every child receives reliable financial and emotional support. NCSEA Believes parents are vital to the financial and emotional support of our children.
To that end, the Policy Forum will celebrate the efforts of the last year. Through listening and learning from one another, we will continue to move the program forward…